Accueil > Week_End Ça Trace ! > "EST" - Hélène Mathon

"EST" by E.Savitzkaya

Hélène Mathon

Cie La Langue Ecarlate

Background, Cast and Crew
Price, duration

Theatre / Concert - Acoustic Poetry

9, 10, 11 october 2009

Fri 9.15pm, sat 8.30pm, sun 5pm


Are you? Are you mortal? How are you mortal? Are you forever mortal?

Est by Eugène Savitzkaya is a text made of 925 questions, a choir of interrogations which could be the basis of our world. For this text, Hélène Mathon and the team of company La Langue Écarlate have invented a scenario including four musicians, one actress and ten amateur actors of various origins and ages. They share with the audience the same space, where the usual barriers of representation are abolished, and where they develop every night a new and original soundtrack while asking each us to get involved. With their voices, their instruments and other sounds, they show how their perception of the world sways.

With great simplicity, they fuse fears, bodies and questions in order to encourage the spectator to come up with potential answers.

See synopsis (pdf in french/88kb)

In residence: 18 Sept - 11 Oct 2009

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon