Accueil > Week_End Ça Tchatche#3 ! > ''Aussi bien que ton coeur...'' / François Chaignaud / mars 10

Aussi bien que ton coeur, ouvre moi les genoux

François Chaignaud

Background, Cast and Crew
Price, duration

Performance / Dance

25, 26, 27 & 28 March 2010


Performance for 1 spectator

This concert for one person in the form of a consultation, an appointment, a tête-à-tête, or an interview, encompasses 17th century erotic sonnets. These poems set out and address flows of desire, which are obscene and sublime, locked up, and prisoners of the formal codes of the sonnet. This face to face encounter allows for a disturbing, unsettling and sensual explosion of intimacy.

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon