Accueil > Week_End Ça Trace ! > GOLGOTHA - Steven Cohen


Steven Cohen (ZAF/F)

Background, Cast and Crew
Price, duration, link

First production / Dance

French Premiere!

9, 10 october 2009

Fri 11.15pm, sat 11pm

You can sell everything! Buy everything! To live is to consume! To be is to have! Steven Cohen, a radical South-African performance artist fights against this world of a destructive nature. As a tribute to his brother who committed suicide and whom he considers one of the casualties of economic war, the choreographer dances, shoots and invents a pagan, accusatory and sensitive ceremony. An act of love and memory where he welcomes beauty, politics and violence... as always. “It is not about bringing the dead back to life, but to bring death unto life”.

“In Johannesburg, Steven Cohen and his partner-in-crime Elu are a moving two-headed bomb. Walking and dancing, in their work, are always on the edge of collapsing. As militant gay white guys faced with a black society unwilling to accept them, this pair is walking on the tightrope of race and artistic genre issues.” Gérard Mayen / Mouvement

See synopsis (pdf in french/88kb)

In residence: 21-25 Sept & 5-11 Oct 09

* For health reasons, Steven Cohen was not able to showcase this production at Les Subsistances in 2008; 2009 will be his year.

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon