Accueil > Week_End Ça Valse ! > Spitze - Doris Uhlich

« Spitze* »

Doris Uhlich

Distribution, mentions

Dance - POINTES*…

1 show on the rules of classical ballet

10.11.12 octobre 08

Doris Uhlich, a contemporary choreographer and dancer, invited Christian Rovny and Susanne Kimbauer, former soloists at the Vienna Orchestra in Austria, onto the stage. Between them are 30 long years of professional practice as well as the rules of classical ballet which earned them a living and under which she never imagined herself dance: an entire visual universe of bodies, images, dancing characters, hierarchies and imagination.

Schedule Fri and Sat 7:45pm, Sun 3:00pm

Duration 50 min

Price €5

See synopsis (pdf in french/40kb)

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon