Accueil > Danser en rond > Itinéraire... / Thomas Lebrun

« Itinéraire

d’un danseur

grassouillet »

Thomas Lebrun / Cie Illico

Pictures & Movies
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First production - Dance

Performances 5-10 March 2009 at 9pm (no performances on the 8th)

How many fat dancers are there? Have you ever met a fat former dancer? Do you find it normal to see fat dancers? What do you look at in a dancer? A dancer must have a pretty face, sure, but most importantly a great body, because it is his/her body we look at. I mean, it needs to somewhat be an object of fantasy, right? And a “fat” body is not a source of fantasy, since we don’t want to be fat ourselves. Do spectators ask themselves these questions? Thomas Lebrun is a dancer… he is seen, and he regards himself, as fat. He also is very talented and full of humour. This is why he has invited us to attend his documentary conference on a dancer with excess weight. This dance show takes the form of a hilarious manifesto against physical “normality”.

“To laugh or make others laugh is not always seen as real artistic work, real writings, especially in the field of dance. I claim that the opposite is true.” Thomas Lebrun

In the general and specialised press: ’’Slightly chubby...’’ (La Croix, 2007, S. Lesort)

’’Jo“With a surprising physique for a dancer...’’ (20 Minutes, 2005, P. Verrièle)

’’[...] despite his chubby side, his attributes have made him a popular and recognised dancer.’’ (Danser,

2004, B. Bonis)

And from the public: ’’You’re a dancer?... I wouldn’t have guessed!’’ / ’’It must be hard for you to jump so high!’’

’’This costume is not exactly flattering on you!’’ / ’’You still manage to be so light, so soft with it!’’

See synopsis (pdf in french/60kb)

See press book (pdf in french/396kb)

See flyer (pdf in french/404 kb)

See poster (pdf in french/1,1 mo)

See video report of "Questions en ligne" of France 3

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon