Odile Darbelley

& Michel Jacquelin /

Cie Arsène

« Ur Asamlet* »

* Literally translated as:

the primitive Åsa Hamlet

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Off-the-wall theatre april 09

Thursday, Friday 9.30pm / Saturday 7:30pm / Sunday 4.30pm

Have you heard of the Åsa, an ethnic minority in Northern Siberia? Odile Darbelley and Michel Jacquelin have reconstituted a ’’polog’’, a traditional yurt where the outlandish beliefs and myths of these icecap-dwellers and meteor hunters can be performed. For this analysis in vivo of an unknown culture, the two scientists call to famous characters such as twins Aki Anaghkak and Ika Anaghkik, Mona Hurri (art critic of Åsa origin), Inouxouanga (meaning ’’the man who lazes around’’ in Åsa), Jack O’Metty (a music-loving fireman), Judith Pancake (the first polar painter) and Professor Swedenborg (the Swedish emigrant who discovered the Åsa). They also invite us to share an Åsa myth, about Ur Asamlet, a vague ancestor of the Shakespearian Hamlet, for an ethnographic adventure in the land of long polar nights. But is it reality or fiction?

See synopsis (pdf in french/68KB)

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon