Joachim Latarjet & Alexandra Fleischer / Cie Oh ! Oui

« My way (À notre façon) »

Artistic activities project developed

in partnership with locals of every nationality living

in La Guillotière area in Lyon

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Musical theatre

6 x 10 min approx. april 09

1 before each show during the WeekEnd + My way (À notre façon)

In full, Sunday at 7:30pm

Every person has a special song, which may remind them of their childhood, their home country, their travels or even a wedding, a christening, a funeral, etc. Songs that everybody knows but which seem somehow to belong to just us, and that is jealously kept. With the company Oh! Oui…, Lyon locals of all origins will create short music interludes and play the songs that accompanied them in their lives.

“Composer Gustav Mahler used to say that he always had a sad little merry-go-round melody in his head… At Les Subsistances, we will try to find together, in our own way, our little merry-go-round music… This will be a musical theatre show, made of four pieces, centred around songs, words, and memories, even if one can’t sing, even if the only things one knows how to do is sing, and if one prefers to stay silent…"

Joachim Latarjet & Alexandra Fleischer

See synopsis (pdf in french/48KB)

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon