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Circus / Show

Philippe Ménard / Cie Non Nova
« Zapptime#remix »

Open to all (12+ years)

Watch out! Philippe Ménard, who was dubbed “the king of the juggle” by the magazine Danser, decided to integrate to the circus the irregular rhythms of the remote control. Not that he was sick of throwing balls in the air, or wanted to be on television, mind you. He just dreamt about having his own wrestlers, drag-queens and cow-girls. "Zapptime#remix" mixes video, juggling and visual theatre to produce a dynamite show. Anti-establishment agitator? Maybe he is, if you want to use those words for this mix of reality and fiction, of he and she, and the subverted use of current media codes. Singular, energetic and surprising. A unconventional circus show that’s a little bit mad.

Philippe Ménard / Cie Non Nova
Thu 8:45pm / Fri 10pm / Sat 8:15pm

Duration: 1 hour
+ 15 minutes introduction
“à ma place” by bertrand davy
Interview Sonore
Retrouvez prochainement la voix des artistes qui feront la saison des Subsistances.
Des interviews audios pour découvrir leur projet, leur recherche


In 1991, Philippe Ménard discovered juggling as part of a workshop organised by Compagnie Archiballes. The following year, during the Rencontres Européennes de Jonglage, he saw the work of Jérôme Thomas, who subsequently became his teacher. Ménard joined his company in 1995. In parallel, he also takes contemporary dance, mime and acting classes, organised by Dominique Petit, Cécile Borne, and Claire Heggen (Théâtre du Mouvement) among others. With the creation of his company, Non Nova, in 1996, Philippe Ménard develops his own creative projects with " Non nova, sed nove " (We do not say anything new, we say it in a new way). "Le Grain" (1998), "Ascenseur,…" (2001), and "Zapptime, rêve éveillé d’un zappeur" (2001) will follow. "Zapptime#remix" (2006) is a rewriting of the latter. The company regularly showcases shows in France and abroad (Brazil, Mexico, Italy, Hungary, Taiwan…).

"Blended, modified, simplified, tinkered with, or reconstructed, channel-hopping remains at the heart of the show.
As for the spectators, they sit in a sort of black box and experiences life alongside the two jugglers and their playmates, the ‘referees’, who use various techniques. From one universe to the other, a mental shift occurs that is presented in a very physical world charged with illusions, derision, and humour... just like real life! Compagnie Non Nova.

I am a thirty-three year old juggler, who belongs to a generation who grew up with television, from morning TV to the evening movie... A youth fed with sci-fi, burgeoning electronic music, PCs and games... a dream world where life, love and death are regarded as sacred in a virtual, unreal world. (…)
Juggling and jugglers are at the root of my projects, the centre and attribute of my work. I search, I question, I practice in the hope of finding the relevance of my actions, and I try to write and choreograph things when I deem it necessary (...)
Just like any other artist, my sources of inspiration are steeped in art history, the work of contemporary artists, in my observations of civil society, our lifestyles and our expressions. I attempt to decode some of our actions, not for antagonistic reasons but because I need to feed my imagination and to turn each meeting with the audience, through writing, into a dialogue on our perceptions and imaginations. Philippe Ménard.

Artistic Director & Writer: Philippe MENARD
Created and Performed by Philippe MENARD & Sylvain JULIEN
Directed by
Philippe MENARD & Paola RIZZA
Soundtrack created and played by Ivan ROUSSEL
Lighting by Robin DECAUX
Stage Design by Franck TENOT
Stage Building and Stage Manager: Philippe RAGOT
Video Artist, Editing & Video Engineer: Philippe DEVILLIERS
Alternative Stage Manager: Laurence LANGLOIS
Photographic Report on the Production: Jean-Luc BEAUJAULT
Produced and Administered by Claire MASSONNET
Distribution & Communication: Elisabete FERREIRA ROCHA

Produced by
Compagnie Non Nova.
Co-produced by: Le Lieu Unique - scène nationale de Nantes et Le Carré – scène nationale de Château-Gontier.
Compagnie Non Nova is associated with the Carré – scène nationale de Château-Gontier

Compagnie Non Nova is subsidised by DRAC des Pays de la Loire – Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication and receives some funding from Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire

Application pending

Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon