Dany Laferrière

From 23 to 25 june 2011
1 news bulletin with: Dany Laferrière, Compagnie Motus, Faustin Linyekula, Eric Chauvier, Joris Mathieu, Josh Neufeld and Benjamen Walker
3 times a night:
8pm, 8.15pm, 8.30pm
Dany Laferrière is a global figure in literature. Originally from Haiti, he now lives in Canada, and his works have received multiple awards in France.
One of his latest books is called Je suis un écrivain japonais (I am a Japanese writer). With wit and acuteness, his works forever raise the question of the individual’s identity, whether it is assigned to them or freely chosen.

-Tout bouge autour de moi (Publisher: Grasset, 2011)
-L’énigme du retour (Grasset, 2009 - Prix Médicis)
-Je suis un écrivain japonais (Grasset, 2008)
-Vers le Sud (Boréal, Montreal, 2006 - Grasset, 2006)
-Je suis fou de Vava, written by Dany Laferrière, illustrated by Frédéric Normandin (Longueuil, Québec, Éditions de la Bagnole, 2006) (youth literature)
-Les années 80 dans ma vieille Ford (Mémoire d’encrier, 2005)
-J’écris comme je vis. An interview with Bernard Magnier (La Passe du vent, 2002)
-Je suis fatigué (Lanctôt Éditeur, Outremont, 2001 – Les Librairies initiales, 2000 – Le Serpent à plumes, 2000) unavailable

“Caustic paradoxes abound in Laferrière’s mythological meanderings, because he is careful not to establish a boundary between reality and imagination. The writer reinvents reality! What a novelty, in this modern age when a novel should be based on long and meticulous research, according to the American tradition! Laferrière could not be further removed from these self-indulgent hacks: he reads, he strolls about, he floats - it’s the best way to fit in anywhere and unmask ostentatious behaviours.” Patrick Grainville, Le Figaro

Residence dates: From 20 to 22 june 2011

Dany Laferrière was born in Port-au-Prince in 1953. A journalist for newspaper Petit Samedi Soir, he left Haiti for Montreal in 1976, following the assassination of his friend Gasner Raymond. He became a big hit in Montreal in 1985 following the publication of his first novel, Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, a bestseller translated into several languages and adapted for the big screen by Jacques Benoît in 1989. Nine novels followed, including a cycle of novels the author calls his “American autobiography”. Dany Laferrière is not only a journalist and TV commentator, but also a scriptwriter for movies such as Le Goût des jeunes filles, directed by John L’Écuyer in 2004.
Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon