Compagnie Motus

From 23 to 25 june 2011
1 news bulletin with: Compagnie Motus, Faustin Linyekula, Eric Chauvier, Joris Mathieu, Josh Neufeld, Benjamen Walker and Dany Laferrière
3 times a night:
8pm, 8.15pm, 8.30pm
Hard-hitting images for a committed theatre: we could thus summarize Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolo’s work for the last 20 years.
This Italian company, a benchmark outfit in Europe, works on contemporary revolts, using ancient texts as well as the hottest, most current topics, and creates a highly poetic and explosive theatre, whose political voice emerges very directly from the performers’ bodies.

“Audacious and provocative, iconoclastic and poetic” -

“A language as poetic as it is political” - Le Monde

“Young artist Silvia Calderoni [..] gives a highly spirited performance” - Télérama

“A poetic and dazzling hybrid of a show.” - La Terrasse

“The biggest revelation this year is the ferocious Italian company Motus.”

- New York

Directed by Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolo - Sound by Andrea Comandini - With Silvia Calderoni, Nicole Quaglia, etc. (cast TBC).

Cie Motus

Residence dates: From 20 to 22 june 2011

Motus was founded in 1991 in Rimini (Italy) by Enrico Casagrande and Daniela Nicolò. Motus shapes its projects by acting and reacting to small and big events of everyday life. Their artistic projects feed on the contradictions of today’s world, and translate them to create a dynamic source of provocative reflection. Through its productions - Occhio Belva (1994), Catrame (1996), O.F ovvero Orlando Furioso (1998), and Orpheus Glance (2000), Motus’s constantly-evolving theatre has become famous both at home and abroad. The video for Orlando Furioso, drawn from the show of the same name, was awarded first prize at the Riccione TVV Festival in 1999. That same year, the company received the Ubu Prize, awarded by a panel made of over sixty Italian theatre critics. In 2001, the company started its work on the Rooms project, on the topic of hotel rooms, including the show Twin Rooms – co-produced with the Festival Temps d’Images in Paris and the Venice Theatre Biennale. In 2003-2004, Motus started a new journey through the words and images of Pier Paolo Pasolini, and created shows such as Come un cane senza padrone (Like a dog with no master). From the spring of 2005 onwards, Motus aimed to examine R.W. Fassbinder’s “anti-theater”. In the spring of 2007, it started a very detailed study specifically centred on the topic of teenage years, as showcased in the project X(Ics) Racconti crudeli della giovinezza (Cruel Tales of Youth). Their new project, Syrma Antigònes, launched in 2008, is based on the idea of analysing the relation/conflict between the generations, using the tragic figure of Antigone as an emblem of struggle and resistance. Silvia Calderoni, the company’s favourite actress, was awarded the UBU Prize for Best Actress in 2010 in the under 30s category.
Les Subsistances, laboratoire de création artistique, spectacle et théatre à Lyon